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Tips to Stay Safe from the Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic is spreading across the world at an alarming rate. So far, there are more than 5.8 million cases confirmed. Also, the number of deaths has risen to more than 356000. It’s not all bad news as there are more than 2.35 million people who have fully recovered.

The virus is present in more than 213 countries. Now is the time for extra caution and measures to keep safe from it. If you must venture outside your home then maintain strict social distancing. Several countries like Italy and Spain went the extra mile and declared strict lockdown.

Tips to Stay Safe from the Coronavirus

  1. Be Aware and Alert at all Times

The gravest mistake you can make is ignoring the alarm raised across the world. The number of infected persons has surpassed 5 million and rising. Always keep your guard up and follow the health advice to the letter.

Knowledge is power, and understanding how the virus spreads can save your family and you. Many organizations are releasing useful information to help people become more aware of what is happening across the world. The numbers can go higher before a vaccine is at hand; therefore, extra caution is necessary.

  1. Masks are your Friend

Never venture outside in a public place without wearing a mask that covers your mouth and nose. In some countries like Kenya, it’s now illegal to walk around without wearing a mask. There are many types of face masks available to keep you safe.

The most recommended are N95 and surgical face masks. But, you can get any other type as long as you cover yourself. You can take it off while driving alone or when you are outside alone. Get the kind that feels comfortable, and you can breathe properly while wearing.

  1. Be cautious When Sneezing

Sneeze into the crook of your elbow and cough on a tissue. Avoid reusing handkerchiefs which are not sanitary. When you need to blow your nose, use a clean tissue and dispose of it safely. After that, wash your hands with water and soap.

  1. Self-quarantine

Stay at home if it’s not a must you venture out. Many companies are now permitting employees to work from home. If you are not in the category of essential services, stay indoors. Self-quarantine not only protects you from the virus but your family as well.

It’s better to purchase items in bulk if you must go to the store or place orders online. Delivery systems are the best option for shopping, and many ensure packages are properly sanitized. Limit your exposure to areas that might result in infection.

  1. Wear Gloves Outside

In the supermarket or anywhere you have to touch a public surface, it’s safer to wear gloves. Many people end up using the same shopping cart. Even with proper sanitizing, there is a risk of exposure. In most public buildings, wear gloves to touch public railings and elevator buttons.

 Once you step outside your sanitized home, have a mask and gloves on at all times. Many open surfaces are touched by many people in a day and can lead to exposure to the virus.

  1. Always Carry Hand-sanitizer

A few months ago, hand sanitizer was not something you prioritize while heading out. Now you can’t leave your home without it. It’s one of the proven methods of keeping your hands free from the virus out in public.

You end up coming into contact with many public surfaces, and having sanitizer at hand keeps you safe. Many supermarkets and public buildings now require you wash your hands or sanitize before venturing in.

  1. Push or Press with your Elbows and Feet

Now is the time to master how to press elevator buttons with your elbows. It’s no longer safe to touch the buttons with your fingers. If you are not wearing protective gloves, avoid opening doors with your hands if possible.

Use your elbows, knees, and feet to open and hold doors. Use your elbows to turn on or off light switches. Check the areas you can avoid touching with bare hands.

  1. Be a Stickler for Social Distancing

Many people are yet to grasp the full necessity of strict social distancing. Apart from wearing a mask and gloves, enforce social distancing even if others are not as keen. Remember the first rule of safety is it starts with you.

When walking outside, maintain at least 1 meter between you and the next person. If you have to take public transportation, keep this rule in mind. Social distancing means even if someone is infected, you stand a better chance of avoiding exposure.

  1. Take Advantage of Automation

One way to avoid touching public surfaces is to opt for automation. Check if the doors to a building open via censors. In such scenarios, you simply walk up to them, and they open automatically.

Also, this comes in handy in public washrooms. Check for taps that don’t need turning or driers that work through automation. Most use sensors to detect when you are near and require water or to dry your hands.

  1. Sanitize Delivered Packages

The norm today is to place orders online and have them delivered to your door. Most delivery companies make sure parcels are sanitized before they provide them. Still, it’s better to be extra cautious and sanitize the packages again before bringing them into your home. Wear gloves and wipe them with sanitizer thoroughly. Only then can you bring them into your home to unpack.

  1. Wash your Hands Always

Now you must wash your hand as often as you can. Apart from using hand sanitizer, use soap and running water as well. Washing your hands is an added measure to keep you safe from the coronavirus. Thoroughly lather your hands with soap for more than 20 seconds then rinse with clean running water.

Before, you would wash your hands after coming from the lavatory or when they are dirty. Now clean them as much as you can when outside. One way the virus is spreading is when you touch your face. By washing your hands regularly, you can adjust your glasses without worry.

  1. Sanitize your Office Desk

You might have to go to work. Not all forms of employment are practical when it comes to working at home. Keep a clean rug on your desk at all times. Every chance you get, wipe the surface with sanitizer even after the cleansers clean it for you.

Safety is the most significant measure anyone can take now to avoid catching the virus. Perhaps someone who is infected leaned on it while asking for assistance. You never know so the wipe over and over.

  1. Avoid Cash Transaction if Possible

Cash is proving to be one of the main transmitters of the coronavirus. Since it exchanges through many hands, it’s one of the riskiest methods to transact. Use cards, online transactions or mobile money to make payments.

There are many online payment options available around the world. You don’t have to handle cash since most businesses have other methods to choose. Some companies have gone an extra mile and are refusing to take cash payments for goods or services.

  1. Bring your Own Shopping Bags

Packaging is a big concern when it comes to the spread of the coronavirus. Most store shopping bags are kept out in the open. When shopping, bring your own sanitized bags to package the items you purchase. Besides, this is helpful to the environment since you are reusing your shopping bags.

  1. Watch Out for your Phone

A while back, you probably didn’t have to think twice about placing your phone on a public surface. You would put it on a counter as you check through your bag for cash to pay for something. Now, this is not the right path to take.

Always be mindful of where you place your phone, especially when out in public. As you avoid touching public surfaces, don’t set your phone or keys on them either. Do the same with your handbag, wallet, or even kids toys.

  1. Carry Extra Wet Wipes

Carry wet wipes in your bag and car as you venture outside. Use then to wipe down a door handle if it’s not automated. Also, wipe down any public surface you have to touch. Having extra wipes with you comes in handy when you need to touch your face and don’t have water near you. Wipes help clean surfaces and protect you from coming into contact with the virus.

  1. Sanitize your Home

As much as you can avoid bringing in items that are infected to your home, the virus lingers on many surfaces. At room temperature, it can remain on clothes up to 9 days. Wash everything you wear outside with disinfectant and research on the best to use. Soap and water work but using a disinfectant ensure you completely kill the virus.

Final Point

The tips listed here are the tip of the iceberg. Take as many precautions as you can at all times. It’s the best way to protect your loved ones and yourself from exposure. Apart from that, you can help keep other people around you safe as well.



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